Personal Finance

A story of the $3 coffee

A story of the $3 coffee

Hello fellow investors and people who take care about their financial stability! I bet you heard about the idea of saving...
2 min read 392

7 Worst (And Common) Money Mistakes to Avoid

Money is a test. It makes you feel invincible (even if for a small time). It opens up so many options...
2 min read 229

How The Envelope Budgeting System Can Stop You from Overspending

Did you know, that shoppers can spend up to 100% more when using their credit cards to pay instead of cash?...
1 min read 237
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

10 Nano Tips to Drastically Improve Your Personal Finances

Natasha Munson couldn’t be more right when she said, Natasha Munson “Money, like emotions, is something you must control to keep...
3 min read 276
Emergency Fund

Warren Buffet’s Grandpa Had An Emergency Fund; Here’s Why You Shou...

Over 40 years ago, Warren Buffet found a letter addressed to his aunt when he opened her safe deposit box. The...
2 min read 583

Overlooked secrets to compounding wealth at old age

Do you know that Warren Buffett made over 90% of his wealth after the age of 50? Warren Buffett started investing when...
2 min read 346

Ways to Teach Money Management for Kids

Managing finances is a necessary life skill to survive and live under adequate circumstances. The earlier children learn then the more...
3 min read 173

How to Imagineer Your Dream Life with a Financial Advisor

Thinking back to the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020 most of us look at this highly volatile period...
7 min read 566

Financial Literacy for Kids: Instilling Perspective

There’s something contradictory about the role of money in our lives. It would be nice to have more of it, but...
3 min read 123

The Link Between Consumerism And Productive Societies

Why consumerism and productivity go hand-in-hand, everything has a price Consumerism is seen as a negative trend in most of today’s...
4 min read 485

Passive vs. Active Income

The notion of “your money working for you”. It is all about 3rd Party Monopoly. Most of us are familiar with...
3 min read 427

My ‘Rich’ Journey With A Financial Advisor – Mistakes You Sh...

In my 20s, I never thought of retirement or pension. Unconsciously I trusted the pension system in each country I lived....
4 min read 295