
Argentina – a warning to the United States and China

One can wonder why it is that North America is prosperous, but Latin America has fallen far behind. After all, about...
10 min read

Healthcare needs Physician Independence

The single fundamental factor that unravels the medical profession from the tread is its deep root in intimate human life. It...
10 min read 423

Science and Money in the Climate Change Debate

… if we had one There is no public debate about climate change. On Medium, where I post my texts, there...
11 min read 564

Intellectual Property Protection in China

According to WIPO Director-General, Francis Gurry, China «has given the issue of intellectual property a strategic role and has paid great...
2 min read 293

A Wrong Way About Huawei

In a recent article, the WSJ details how Huawei was propelled by Beijing’s billions. In the online version, the WSJ editors...
8 min read

Nordic social program to welfare state capitalism

Two resorts distant from free-market capitalism The society or the world at large is the quintessence of every human being. As...
10 min read 484

Subsidies and Crony Capitalism

Large corporations play a game with local and state governments for big dollars, but only one side puts up any money....
3 min read 218

Pacific Gas & Electronic: A silent Partner in the Unsustainable G...

The state of California, with the 39.56 million in Population and Area of 163,696 square miles, has a net worth over...
9 min read 161

Not All Protection is Bad

One thing that we overlook in the dialogue around the trade war narrative that has become a partisan issue is that...
3 min read 160

6 Conspiracy Theories Trump Peddled About Political Opponents Show Wha...

The only way Trump can win is to make voters believe that his opponents are as bad as he is. Trump...
7 min read 212

Surprise Medical Bills and the Abrupt Congressional Bill

Any soul with a sound judgment may concur healthcare is not a free service. Whether considered a government-run program or a...
9 min read 330

We Need to Stop Confusing Social Programs with Socialism

The United States has always had a problem with accepting a true capitalistic, market-driven economy. Americans love to sing the praises...
3 min read