So I finally had time to watch the squid games. I don’t like binging (it’s a bit of time waste), but...
I broke the rule and ended up with financial losses. I started investing in 2017 and then I learned about this...
Much has been written about cognitive biases — below is a particularly good diagram by Jeff Desjardins summarizing some of the...
I didn’t expect to remember much from the Economics courses I took in university when I started my first job in...
As persons, professionals, and organisations we fear impostor syndrome too much. Both towards others and ourselves. We live in a world...
The notification bell rings. You get the urge to check it. You took your phone and checked it. “Wow…One more like...
The lack of human interaction may find the solution in a robotics laboratory. “Friendship needs no words — it is solitude delivered from...
Day-trading is hard, and most people lose money at it. I definitely have. In fact, I once lost more money in...
Have you seen those crazy videos? The ones that decode people’s body language while they are being interviewed. The experts call...
Every individual is born with a particular realm of consciousness and beliefs. Even though within a given society, we may all...
Why believe a title that says I’d know how to tell dumb from smart money? Because I’ve been both and learned...
As human beings, we tend to dismiss facts that obstruct our underpinnings. We keep finding innovative ways to conceal how we...