How would one grant rights to machines? The matter still can’t be consulted with those concerned. Artificial intelligence will not tell...
Tau Ventures is an applied AI fund in Silicon Valley and food automation is one of our core focuses including an...
Towards the technological singularity? Alan Turing, father of Artificial Intelligence, already in 1937 asked himself: «but can machines think?». The phenomenon...
Intelligent aerial robots are poised to change the transportation and logistics industry, but there are a few bottlenecks that we have...
In the famous book by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson “Why Nations Fail” about creation of inclusive or extractive institutions...
Currently, with the COVID-19 virus outbreak, most patients in hospitals across the world are at high risk of getting seriously ill...
The algorithm is that set of rules to follow in the resolution of calculations, of computer type, that is a sequence...
Are people allowed to treat their robots anyhow they like? Can a person be “violent” to their robot? Should a robot...
As the technology behind artificial intelligence continues to advance and expand into more markets and applications, the ethical ramifications behind this...