
The Changing Definition Of Success Among Young People

Today, it’s tough for young people to get started in life. Long gone are the days of marching up to the...
46 sec read 191

Dear Citizen, blockchain will change your life!

Blockchain can definitely affect social organizations. Can the new technology be used successfully in public administration as well? Will it help...
6 min read 442

What’s in a name? Apples, oranges, and the quest for better sustaina...

Consistent, specific and precise data is the key to understanding how a company is performing. This is not as easy as...
1 min read 210

Inside The Innovative Minds Of GenZ

Millennials were once considered the poster children for entrepreneurship, but we are now faced with a new generation of bright young...
47 sec read 566

How is the Gig Economy changing the future Jobs landscape

The makeup & dynamics of the workforce are changing with the ongoing automation & the emergence of the Generation Z –...
1 min read

How Will Roundup Lawsuits Affect The Herbicide Industry?

What do agricultural workers and recreational gardeners have in common? Aside from a green thumb, they both run the risk of...
52 sec read 487

Will The Future Of AI Be Good Or Evil?

As with any emerging technology, disruptive ideas are vilified; whether out of misunderstanding or even fear, AI is on the receiving...
45 sec read 178

China’s Daredevil: The suggestive art of algorithms.

Do you have a highly suggestive personality? Inception, what a marvellous cinematic experience, many of us who watched it were left...
2 min read 433

We blocked access to Social Media, it caused an outrage.

Addiction, we can’t visibly recognise. At a recent research study, based upon the work of previous findings — we wanted to...
1 min read 233

Admit when you’re wrong.

Great leadership requires a solid foundation of self-esteem. It’s not the ones that are always wrong that we need to be...
4 min read

What Can You Learn By Googling Yourself?

Today, half of Americans believe that their data is less secure than it was five years ago, and yet we are...
46 sec read 154

Learning Saves When Those in Need Knock

Training and learning are fundamental for any professional. Keeping up with the latest developments enable entrepreneurs to provide the best service for...
4 min read 226