Today, it’s tough for young people to get started in life. Long gone are the days of marching up to the...
Blockchain can definitely affect social organizations. Can the new technology be used successfully in public administration as well? Will it help...
Consistent, specific and precise data is the key to understanding how a company is performing. This is not as easy as...
Millennials were once considered the poster children for entrepreneurship, but we are now faced with a new generation of bright young...
The makeup & dynamics of the workforce are changing with the ongoing automation & the emergence of the Generation Z –...
What do agricultural workers and recreational gardeners have in common? Aside from a green thumb, they both run the risk of...
As with any emerging technology, disruptive ideas are vilified; whether out of misunderstanding or even fear, AI is on the receiving...
Do you have a highly suggestive personality? Inception, what a marvellous cinematic experience, many of us who watched it were left...
Addiction, we can’t visibly recognise. At a recent research study, based upon the work of previous findings — we wanted to...
Great leadership requires a solid foundation of self-esteem. It’s not the ones that are always wrong that we need to be...
Today, half of Americans believe that their data is less secure than it was five years ago, and yet we are...
Training and learning are fundamental for any professional. Keeping up with the latest developments enable entrepreneurs to provide the best service for...
On leaving behind digital breadcrumbs. In his revealing and subliminal book on Business Strategy, Only the Paranoid Survive, Intel’s C.E.O Andrew...
It’s a screen within a screen, packed into another screen; incase you missed the previous screens. Because more screens, that’s why!...
The Copyright Law that is about more than just “Meme-Control”. Let’s unpack this subject in a manner that we can all...
We’re not running out of alternatives for fuel. The energy sector was once a booming glory of investors, no matter the market’s...
Influencer marketing raises several questions: Not only what is it, but is it still a thing? Henny Mohenyi Maruapula adamantly affirms...
And it affects your productivity. Sensory response, through vision, can invoke a sense of emotion. Like seeing an advertisement at the...
…I kinda sorta fell asleep, and here’s why “Degrees” are bullshit. Alright, who’s next — alright Nabeel Tahir, may you please...
It’s a lot easier to set the rules in place, and have them enforced through management. It’s difficult, to lead by...
Data you collect is vulnerable to hackers. They might make direct attacks or compile seemingly unrelated and non-threatening information. That ultimately...
“Customer experience is chief among the areas where traditional financial institutions have fallen short. 70% of millennials would rather visit their...
There is no better way to start the workday than with a workout. I try to do so at least four...
As the technological disruption & automation gathers pace with every passing day so does the debate on the issue of jobs...
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