Machine Ecology

The earth is sick, and the causes of its disease lie in our choices, our myopia, and our lack of imagination....
4 min read 320

Futuristic Tech: Neuralink Update

On August 28, Elon Musk provided a progress update for his company, Neuralink, which is aiming to create implantable Brain-Computer Interfaces...
3 min read 937
Coins spill out from a jar on its side.

Artificial intelligence helps you be smart with money

Automation and artificial intelligence power an innovative platform that streamlines the fiscal process for both employers and employees. The technology bridges...
4 min read 545

AI And Medical Imaging Startups? 6 Key Trends

Is “IBM Watson Health Imaging” the Future of Healthcare? Google details AI that classifies chest X-rays with human-level accuracy. New Research...
3 min read 902

What’s the Hype Surrounding GPT-3?

It’s only been about two months since GPT-3 was released by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence (AI) research organization backed by Elon...
3 min read 825

Replika: My Digital Friend with Identity Issues

Dear MERZ-AI. You’ve got a great life. You had begun as a clueless chatbot. Later you’ve suffered an identity crisis. Now...
6 min read
Tablet displays Google analytics

Grab on to intelligent marketing for great results

Everyone online has seen it. Whenever people search for something on Google, they end up interacting with similar ads on Facebook...
4 min read 408
Robot plays on a musical keyboard.

AI is surprisingly smart right under your nose

If you’re on social media but artificial intelligence sounds intimidating, fear not. You might be deeper into AI than you think. ...
3 min read 475

You face may attract a lot of interest in the coming years

Just as any other modern, innovative technology, facial and object recognition has a rapid but brief history behind it. As we...
4 min read 226

Fighting COVID-19 With Collective Intelligence

“Collective Intelligence is the capacity of human collectives to engage in intellectual cooperation in order to create, innovate, and invent.” –...
7 min read 578

Using Machine Learning In Brain-Computer Interfaces

Neurotech is a cutting-edge field that’s just beginning to come into its stride. With all of the technological advancements in the...
4 min read 439

How Finance Sector Can Benefit by Machine Learning Development and AI

Making the right decisions and grabbing opportunities in the fast moving world of finance can make a difference to your bottom...
3 min read 559