Don’t kill a humanoid: do machines deserve to have rights?

How would one grant rights to machines? The matter still can’t be consulted with those concerned. Artificial intelligence will not tell...
3 min read 371

5 Principles for Business Value and Artificial Intelligence

How to unlock business value with AI by focusing on user experience and enterprise value levers Extracting business value is hard....
3 min read 451

Combatting a Pandemic with AI

Over the last six months, the Covid-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm, and caused so much damage to many...
3 min read 344

Cognitive Cyber Security

As cyberattacks increase in scale and complexity, artificial intelligence (AI) helps resource-intensive security operations and analysts stay ahead of the threat....
3 min read

Spotting The Wolf From The Sheep

If you have been in any industry long enough, one thing becomes clear. There are three main types of people in...
2 min read 563
AI and imaging recognition

Artificial Intelligence and the new frontiers of “brainsourcing&...

Towards the technological singularity? Alan Turing, father of Artificial Intelligence, already in 1937 asked himself: «but can machines think?». The phenomenon...
1 min read 634

Politicians and AI. Can national strategies succeed?

Politicians are increasingly aware of the various consequences of the expansion of technologies linked to artificial intelligence. We do not know...
9 min read 485

Chatbots: we are all learning to talk to machines

They pop up when you are looking to make your first contact with a company. They may be a voice in...
3 min read 575
Algorithms prejudices Norbert Biedrzycki blog

How could algorithms put individuals and communities in harm’s way?

As distant and aloof as mathematical equations may seem, they are also commonly associated with reliable, hard science. Every now and...
4 min read 219

Intel Corporation, Chips & Cars: Strategic Analysis

What’s Going On? Is Intel Crazy? Why did Intel acquire Mobileye and Moovit? What a chip maker has to do with...
5 min read

3 Real Scary Technologies In Star Trek Discovery

In 2017, Star Trek made an aggressive trek back onto the screen with the release of Star Trek: Discovery. The show...
3 min read 331

How armies of intelligent aerial robots will revolutionize the logisti...

Intelligent aerial robots are poised to change the transportation and logistics industry, but there are a few bottlenecks that we have...
2 min read 453