Ready or not, the revolution is upon us

“We must develop a comprehensive global shared view of how technology is affecting our lives and reshaping the economic and social...
2 min read 762

How The Rise of Conversational AI Will Impact The World

From different professional services, insurance, education, finance, travel, telecom, to construction, banking, and business, AI has caused a stir across sectors....
2 min read

AI animates marketing returns

Known as The Computer Guy, Joseph Ngare once dreamed of being a sports commentator. Now his thoughts have turned to another...
1 min read 308

The Artificial Intelligence 8 Billion Dataset Ecosystem

In about 5 years from now, 2024, the world population is expected to be around 8 billion. Now, not all of...
7 min read 294

Application of Real Time Locating Systems (RTLS)

Monitoring Labour and Productivity through A.I. What is RTLS? RTLS can determine the location of a medium in real time, monitor and analyse...
6 min read

Conversational marketing is the word

Before making a purchase, talk. Marketers who do that will be ahead of the game. That’s the premise of what Paul...
2 min read 745

AI & Creativity: Deep Dream comes true

Artificial Intelligence always fascinated me. Not only as a useful set of tools, continuously evolving, but also as an experiment field. Some...
2 min read

Deep Learning Explained in 7 Steps

Self-driving cars, Alexa, medical imaging – gadgets are getting super smart around us with the help of deep learning. But why...
2 min read

Is This The Real Life?

“Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?” once sang Freddie Mercury, now we say; “Alexa play Bohemian Rhapsody.” “Prior...
3 min read 407

The Technologies Poised to Change the World in 2019

It is not easy to imagine a technology that will receive as much publicity as the blockchain did last year but...
6 min read

Hey Siri, Tell Me What You Will Do Next

“Siri, what does the future hold for you?” “Would you like me to search the internet for that?” Don’t worry, soon...
1 min read 717

Will The Future Of AI Be Good Or Evil?

As with any emerging technology, disruptive ideas are vilified; whether out of misunderstanding or even fear, AI is on the receiving...
45 sec read 177