Assorted blue cubes

Artificial Intelligence, Leadership, and Talent Management

Artificial intelligence is transforming the talent management game—from recruiting to team building to succession planning. AI is also proving to be...
3 min read 354

Healthcare Too Cheap to Meter

“When the apocalypse comes, everyone will be on their own to buy healthcare.” Dave “ePatient” DeBronkart dropped this casually into a phone...
6 min read 328

Personhood for Robots Will Destroy the Economy and Jobs or Will It?

Robots won’t be tax-paying, and they will eliminate jobs and create a great need for re-training out-of-work humans. Who will train...
4 min read 228

Algorithms Have Rights Like People and Corporations?

The legal profession has to address this thorny issue, so what changes might be coming now, and how do they protect...
4 min read 288

Andrew Ng Is Wrong About Artificial Superintelligence

Worrying about AI evil superintelligence today is like worrying about overpopulation on the planet Mars. We haven’t even landed on the...
4 min read
Woman sitting behind a laptop.

Artificial intelligence brings us back to the human touch

With work teams scattered at homes and elsewhere, staying connected has taken on greater importance.  “The pandemic forced us to digitally...
3 min read 213

Voice Isn’t Dead – How AI is Changing The Call Tech Game

Is voice dead? It’s a fair question. Chatter about the digitization of processes, new apps, and enhanced mobile banking technology runs...
4 min read 411

Engage Me or Enrage Me: Gamification will run the world

During the last decade we all got Netflix-ed. Now we will get gamified. Don’t think ‘only’ games. Think the gamification of...
10 min read 476

Five Financial Applications Of Natural Language Processing

The last five years have been revolutionary for the field of natural language processing. We went from glorified ctrl-f to a...
3 min read 957

A College Student Used A Language Generating AI Tool To Create A Viral...

What does GPT-3 mean for the future of writers? As writers, we like to tell ourselves that we’re in a profession...
3 min read 647

Machine Ecology

The earth is sick, and the causes of its disease lie in our choices, our myopia, and our lack of imagination....
4 min read 308

Futuristic Tech: Neuralink Update

On August 28, Elon Musk provided a progress update for his company, Neuralink, which is aiming to create implantable Brain-Computer Interfaces...
3 min read 911