Augmented Reality

Are You Ready to Fall in Love with AI? Investing in Our Increasingly L...

We are living increasingly lonely lives. If you can feel it without relying on any hard data, your feelings are real...
6 min read 326

Welcome to the Metaverse: where are we?

Guide to those who are still looking for their place in the Metaverse Brief summary In the past 15 years, I cannot...
9 min read 553

Snap Acquires NextMind: where brain interface meets augmented reality

Last week we were informed of the information that Snap has acquired NextMind, a brain-interface device manufacturer (see also in RoadToVR). This is another...
3 min read 575

VR Technology to Reinvent Social Media Experience

The COVID-19 epidemic is the most recent cause to change many businesses’ marketing perceptions, prompting them to turn to augmented reality...
6 min read 892

Snap Happy: Why Snapchat is an Underrated Force in the AR Eyewear Mark...

The social media and augmented reality leader, Snap Inc, has enjoyed an exceptional 2021 as the company ramps up its AR...
3 min read 276

Korea’s AI·VR Smart Museums in 2021

Korea’s Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism recently announced that they selected 104 art museums for its ‘2021 Smart Museum’ initiative....
2 min read 410

Engage Me or Enrage Me: Gamification will run the world

During the last decade we all got Netflix-ed. Now we will get gamified. Don’t think ‘only’ games. Think the gamification of...
10 min read 488

How Augmented Reality Integrated with IoT (AR-IoT) Can Transform Farme...

Rising food demand needs a transitional change in traditional agriculture. An amalgamation of AR-IoT can provide cost-effective and optimal solutions to...
2 min read 785

3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs VR Marketing Today

The difference between profit and loss during these times Covid-19 is and continues to be an unprecedented global event, bringing healthcare...
2 min read 525