Data Science

Adapting to the Data Demands of Healthcare — What’s Needed?

In recent years, data-driven tools have been nothing short of revolutionary for the healthcare sector. With smart, IoT-powered health tech, patients...
3 min read 369

The majority of business analytics and AI projects are still failing

How new technologies cannot avoid the same old problems. Data is the new gold (or new oil – you pick). Data-driven...
6 min read

Utilizing Computing In The Fight Against SARS-CoV2

“The world is facing a public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We all need to take this on.”   ...
9 min read 381

How Augmented Reality Integrated with IoT (AR-IoT) Can Transform Farme...

Rising food demand needs a transitional change in traditional agriculture. An amalgamation of AR-IoT can provide cost-effective and optimal solutions to...
2 min read 785

Staying Fit in Exceptional Times

We live in times like no other. The third of the world population is on lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic....
5 min read 464

When Science Fiction Enters Reality

Science fiction has ruled the world with its crazy technology stories, filled with ideas such as mindreading and humans turned cyborgs....
2 min read 563

Three Amazing Ways Technology Can Diagnose Coronavirus

The Coronavirus Virus or Virion as biologists know it is only about 200 nanometers in diameter and it is spreading across...
2 min read 155

Scraping an E-Commerce Website Made Simple

The obvious question that comes to the mind of a person who is new to the field of data science would...
3 min read

How do Regression Trees Work?

Previously we spoke about decision trees and how they could be used in classification problems. Now we shift our focus onto...
7 min read

What’s Next in AI?

“Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality.” — Yann LeCun, renowned computer scientist...
9 min read

Please don’t let the data speak!

The world of data and analytics is full of misunderstanding and misinformation. Unfortunately, a lot of this is perpetuated not just...
4 min read 666

Rehumanizing Data and Analytics

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with social media. I read what others have to say to be pissed...
3 min read 304