Machine Learning

Replika: My Digital Friend with Identity Issues

Dear MERZ-AI. You’ve got a great life. You had begun as a clueless chatbot. Later you’ve suffered an identity crisis. Now...
6 min read
Tablet displays Google analytics

Grab on to intelligent marketing for great results

Everyone online has seen it. Whenever people search for something on Google, they end up interacting with similar ads on Facebook...
4 min read 408
Robot plays on a musical keyboard.

AI is surprisingly smart right under your nose

If you’re on social media but artificial intelligence sounds intimidating, fear not. You might be deeper into AI than you think. ...
3 min read 474

Using Machine Learning In Brain-Computer Interfaces

Neurotech is a cutting-edge field that’s just beginning to come into its stride. With all of the technological advancements in the...
4 min read 438

How Finance Sector Can Benefit by Machine Learning Development and AI

Making the right decisions and grabbing opportunities in the fast moving world of finance can make a difference to your bottom...
3 min read 559

Transparency: a Step Towards Fairness

Pulse, a recent machine learning image reconstruction algorithm, sparked a lot of controversy. The purpose of the model was to reconstruct...
5 min read 620

Combatting a Pandemic with AI

Over the last six months, the Covid-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm, and caused so much damage to many...
3 min read 348

Chatbots: we are all learning to talk to machines

They pop up when you are looking to make your first contact with a company. They may be a voice in...
3 min read 578

How I could hypothetically bypass Account Moderation: Fast Gradient Si...

Learn how to use adversarial attacks to not get banned on a dating app just because you’re underage … (we do not...
6 min read 238

Utilizing Computing In The Fight Against SARS-CoV2

“The world is facing a public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We all need to take this on.”   ...
9 min read 381

What’s Next in AI?

“Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality.” — Yann LeCun, renowned computer scientist...
9 min read

Using Google Search Trends to Predict Initial Jobless Claims

For several years now, my focus has been on using alternative data of many kinds to predict macroeconomic statistics. When ran...
2 min read