Machine Learning

Encoder Decoder Sequences: How Long is Too Long?

In machine learning many times we deal with the input being a sequence and the output also a sequence. We call...
3 min read

Rehumanizing Data and Analytics

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with social media. I read what others have to say to be pissed...
3 min read 304
blog Norbert Biedrzycki

Cognitive computing – a skill-set widely considered to be the most v...

As its users, we have grown to take technology for granted. Hardly anything these days is as commonplace and unremarkable as...
5 min read 989
Machine Learning

Five Data Science and Machine Learning Trends That Will Define Job Pro...

Data Science and ML have been one of the most talked-about trends in 2019 and without any surprise, they will continue...
3 min read

On Robot Rights: Can Robots Be Enslaved?

Are people allowed to treat their robots anyhow they like? Can a person be “violent” to their robot? Should a robot...
2 min read

Has General AI Exceeded the Intellectual Capacity of Humans?

Machines are outsmarting humans not only in games but also in the labor market. In many fields today, the use of...
2 min read 903

Is AI Technology Outpacing the Law?

New technology often presents exciting possibilities. Whether there’s potential for new discoveries about our universe, or it simply makes our day-to-day...
3 min read 449

How an AI-based Chatbot Can Help You Form Better Long-Term Habits

When we think about our everyday behaviors, we often do not realize, how big is the percentage of the actions we...
3 min read 340

What’s the Difference Between AI and Machine Learning?

There is a lot of excitement behind these two topics, so this serves as a quick guide on what they are...
3 min read 426

Deep learning Gamification and Artificial Intelligence as a modern lea...

Science and technology are on a fast track towards the elusive embodiment on the infinite horizon- destination, painted with the idealistic...
8 min read
cosine similarity

The Math in ML: Cosine Similarity

In Machine Learning, we frequently express the similarity between two vectors as cosine similarity. What exactly does that mean? What has...
4 min read

AI Art in Korea: ‘Commune with…’

On October 31, 2019, Korea’s first AI art gallery had a special session where hyperrealism artist Doomin and founder of an...
2 min read