
All Things Cryptos.Forex.Stocks — 06/08/2018 (Weekly Roundup)

Financial market are always a happening place & this week was no exception. But nothing makes me happier than to take...
4 min read 350

An Introduction to Hadoop for Noobs

The client-server model transformed the data industry because it helped break apart overloaded systems, however, client-server models of the 1980s wouldn’t...
1 min read

EOS — New superstar of the Crypto Elite Club

Ethereum has been instrumental in the growth of the Cryptoverse by not only having a coin which is the second most...
3 min read 737

Cryptocurrency 2018: is it worth investing in?

As we approach the half-way mark in the year, how will cryptocurrency shape up in Q3 and Q4? Here’s our insight...
1 min read 184

All Things Cryptos.Forex.Stocks — 06/02/2018

That time of the week again when I review the Financial markets. Cryptocurrencies still treading waters after hitting new lows, US...
3 min read 212

USD backed Cryptos – An overview

The widespread acceptance & adoption of Cryptocurrencies has led the Central banks around the world into mulling over the advantages of...
3 min read 350

Are Bots Controlling Crypto Markets?

So, it’s time to buy some of that cryptocurrency you’ve had your eyes on. You’ve done your research, the market price...
3 min read

Where are the Financial Markets headed?

Usually I do a wrap up of the financial markets at the end of the week, but I am compelled to...
1 min read 148

How to Launch a FinTech in the Home of FinTech (London)

Traditional finance careers seem to be in ever-shorter supply whilst alternative finance gets more and more interesting. As a result, FinTech...
2 min read 246

Financial Regulators’ double edged sword against Cryptos

  Let me start off by saying that despite being a huge proponent of the Crypto/Blockchain movement I still believe there...
2 min read 146

All Things Cryptos.Forex.Stocks — 05/26/2018

TGIF everyone & here’s my take on the 3 financial markets. The Cryptos remained firmly in the red as US Justice...
3 min read 131

Do I really need blockchain? 4 important factors to consider

“Kodak’s cryptocurrency ploy hits all the major buzzwords – blockchain, smart contracts, distributed ledger, ICO, etc. But look through the PR...
5 min read 550