Unlocking The Brain Through Gaming For this Deep Tech Dive, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Maciej Rudziński, CEO...
CEOs recognize that “talent risk” is the number one threat, according to the KPMG 2020 report. Losing key employees and attracting...
Dara and Randy Rivera of FinTEx talk to Jimmy Odom, co-founder of Bit Capital Group, to discuss crypto markets and Qualified...
There’s more to building a digital company than using the word ‘digital’. How about this for the most boring opening sentence...
Search engine optimization begins and ends with quality content writing. That makes SEO a central element for social media marketing and...
AI may develop new, unknown modes of self-reflection. The history of studies on the human consciousness goes back dozens of years,...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is making inroads into growing number of industries at every size and scale. Enterprise are reaping the benefits...
I joke quite a bit about how I am annoyed by a lot of things. I do have a lot of...
BBC Nov 19, 2018: Google halts glucose-sensing contact lens project Engadget Jan 12, 2021: Startup claims its new wearable can monitor...
Sustainable Development Goals are set to be achieved at a global level with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning...
As the United States slowly emerges from our Coronavirus nightmare, many industries look quite different than they did before we entered...
Recently, I’ve read Dr Justin Chan’s piece on Data Driven Investing. I found it quite interesting and eye opening: A Big Data intelligence firm...