Advice on organizational traps by someone who’s been around the RPA block. Having worked in a few sizable companies during their...
Cryptocurrency may have found a killer DApp, in DeFi (Decentralized Finance). It has opened up the cryptocurrency space with a total valuation...
“Experience as a whole is not something that anyone can be spared”. — Hans-Georg Gadamer Data Driven is a Car Crash?...
The last five years have been revolutionary for the field of natural language processing. We went from glorified ctrl-f to a...
In any machine learning problem, the goal of our neural network is to do well on the new unseen data, training...
In any industry, the risk of workplace accidents presents a real, costly threat. From overexertion to slips and falls, companies seek...
What does GPT-3 mean for the future of writers? As writers, we like to tell ourselves that we’re in a profession...
And neither should you It’s true, I have written several articles on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies which will likely moon in the...
On Sep 10, Totient, an AI-driven drug discovery company, emerged from stealth with the announcement of a key partnership with Ginkgo...
The earth is sick, and the causes of its disease lie in our choices, our myopia, and our lack of imagination....
Software engineering is one of the most confusing jobs anyone can do, here are 5 facts why sharing should be the...
For many who know me socially, I am the one who devours a lot. At parties, I am the one picking...