
5 Robotic Process Automation Traps to Avoid

Advice on organizational traps by someone who’s been around the RPA block. Having worked in a few sizable companies during their...
6 min read 240

DeFi Is Booming, But There Are Caveats To This Killer DApp

Cryptocurrency may have found a killer DApp, in DeFi (Decentralized Finance). It has opened up the cryptocurrency space with a total valuation...
7 min read 784

Data Apocalypse Later

“Experience as a whole is not something that anyone can be spared”. — Hans-Georg Gadamer Data Driven is a Car Crash?...
6 min read 278

Five Financial Applications Of Natural Language Processing

The last five years have been revolutionary for the field of natural language processing. We went from glorified ctrl-f to a...
3 min read 975

Training a digit recognizer using PyTorch, and inferencing on CPU with...

In any machine learning problem, the goal of our neural network is to do well on the new unseen data, training...
3 min read

Using Data to Prevent Workplace Accidents

In any industry, the risk of workplace accidents presents a real, costly threat. From overexertion to slips and falls, companies seek...
3 min read 480

A College Student Used A Language Generating AI Tool To Create A Viral...

What does GPT-3 mean for the future of writers? As writers, we like to tell ourselves that we’re in a profession...
3 min read 667

Confessions — I Absolutely Don’t Love Bitcoin

And neither should you It’s true, I have written several articles on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies which will likely moon in the...
2 min read 552

Why We Invested In Totient aka How AI Can Help Us Produce Drugs Agains...

On Sep 10, Totient, an AI-driven drug discovery company, emerged from stealth with the announcement of a key partnership with Ginkgo...
2 min read 681

Machine Ecology

The earth is sick, and the causes of its disease lie in our choices, our myopia, and our lack of imagination....
4 min read 320
Sofware engineers

4 Things I Learned About The Software Engineering Culture

Software engineering is one of the most confusing jobs anyone can do, here are 5 facts why sharing should be the...
3 min read 425

Eat to live, not live to eat

For many who know me socially, I am the one who devours a lot. At parties, I am the one picking...
9 min read