Tech Giants

A Lottery Ticket to the “Green World”: A Deeper Look into the “G...

The transition towards a “green economy” has so often been discussed recently at all levels that one would imagine it is...
10 min read 445

Eurovision, King Dollar, Bitcoin, and Other Victims of Popularity

To be honest, I have never watched the Eurovision Song Contest. For our readers living outside Europe, I can explain that...
3 min read 255

Sorry, Greedy Rich Guys

We Need to Raise Your Taxes in Order to Tackle Inflation Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest and second...
3 min read 439

Facebook and Google Love Stock Buybacks

They generate huge amounts of free cash flow and use the most of this to reduce their share counts — to...
3 min read 453

Google, Facebook and Twitter Are Collecting Your Data They Don’t Wan...

It’s a known fact that social media sites and search engines are collecting your information. However, there are many other places...
6 min read 703

Amazon’s fundamental weakness that Bezos can turn into a strength

As brick & mortar retailers file bankruptcy, the plight of small manufacturers becomes much more perilous. They won’t be able to...
6 min read 367

Can De-Identification Protect Your Online Privacy?

Introduction In the last few years, the global population has an increase in privacy concerns. After the Facebook scandal in the...
2 min read 326

The whole is more of the sum of its parts. How to grow big keeping the...

A circular data economy creates a corporate advantage for the entire ecosystem. What to consider when acquiring or divesting, no matter...
7 min read 147

How Congress Blindly Sees the Future of Tech Companies

Technology Disruption will decimate Congress piece by piece The Congress of the United States of America called 4 CEOs of big...
5 min read 343

Intel Corporation, Chips & Cars: Strategic Analysis

What’s Going On? Is Intel Crazy? Why did Intel acquire Mobileye and Moovit? What a chip maker has to do with...
5 min read

Why We Must Use Tech For Good, Now More Than Ever

COVID-19 has materially changed the way the world works. For the time being at least. The impact of the virus has...
6 min read 280

Libra may be the end for Facebook: Part 2

Facebook’s choice to issue a centralized, semi-anonymous, permissioned token (Libra) is puzzling. First, Facebook’s understanding of the concept of modern money...
2 min read 363