
The Populist Perestroika: What Lies Behind and What Lies Ahead

What Lies Behind Trump’s Comfortable Victory In November 2024 American voters again voted for Trump. My conclusion was that either most...
7 min read

In Search of a Major Technological Breakthrough. Part I. Degrowth: The...

Since 1971 we have been living in an age of price mega revolution with the average annual rates of inflation reaching...
4 min read 239

So, is Russia Thriving or Imploding? Medias Show Polarizing Headlines

A Refresher on Sanctions & their Impacts on the Russian Economy The Ukraine and Russia war began on February 24. Almost 6...
7 min read 411

When Did We Begin Worshiping War?

Who we are is revealed by what we do and act. We Americans believe we are peace-loving and abhor war. However,...
6 min read 202