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Be Sure People Trust Your Brand As the One for Them

Not all reviews are created equal. Yet, good, bad or indifferent, Google and other search engines rely on reviews to help...
2 min read 143

Should I Trust an Algorithm for a Title for My Articles?

Technology has become our go-to resource for everything from medical testing to writing, and it will become a stronger force in...
3 min read 103

How Artificial Intelligence is bridging the gap for Nonprofit Digital ...

Funding remains the biggest challenge for most nonprofit organizations. Sadly, during the pandemic, 83% of charitable organizations saw a decrease in...
4 min read 316

Deep Tech Dive #9 | Maciej Rudziński CEO of Brainattach

Unlocking The Brain Through Gaming For this Deep Tech Dive, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Maciej Rudziński, CEO...
10 min read 163

Inflationism: State-Sponsored Monopoly or the Economic Strategy

Money is a fiscal unit that functions as a generally accepted medium of trade for transactional purposes. But that unit does...
2 min read 172

AI in Talent Management as a Competitive Advantage for Companies

CEOs recognize that “talent risk” is the number one threat, according to the KPMG 2020 report. Losing key employees and attracting...
4 min read 347