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Why Founders Should (Mostly) Stay CEOs

Amazon. Apple. Google. Facebook. Microsoft. Oracle. What all these companies have in common is one of the founders was / is...
2 min read 435

Left-Brain v Right-Brain. Doesn’t Really Matter. Be Flexible In Your...

According to conventional wisdom, people tend to have a personality, thinking style, or way of doing things that are either left-brained...
3 min read 731

Patent Trolls: From Under the Bridge to a Courtroom Near You

Michael Switzer, partner and chair of the intellectual property practice at Actuate Law, discusses patent “trolls” and their effect on the...
6 min read 349

You Won’t Believe The Science of a Starship Landing!

Last December, Elon Musk the billionaire founder of SpaceX said that the company is planning on catching their new Super Heavy...
3 min read 589

Be a Better Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs always look for the right recipe to increase the odds of success. Steve Blank was probably one of the “recipe”...
3 min read 222

Political Authority and Power: the fundamental determinant of modern P...

An in-depth look into the moral principles of legitimizing severance between Individual Rights in defiance of Personalized Healthcare. Power and authority...
5 min read 370