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How To Choose Your First Techstack

So many frameworks, with so little time. Save yourself the trouble and choose! For all these years in the tech industry....
5 min read 268

Building Sustainable Circular Economy With Blockchain

Since the industrial revolution began, the world has focused on the production and consumption of products. Little or no attention is...
5 min read 557

Best trading strategy metric every trader should know

Understanding a better substitute for win ratio and profit/loss ratio Like any other business, successful trading requires an analysis of our...
4 min read

The Biden Presidency – 5 Key Changes We Can Expect For Startups

This is NOT an article to debate politics and any inappropriate comment will be removed. Instead, this is a data-driven background...
2 min read 202

How to Thrive in the Covid-19 Recession by Going Digital Using SCENARI...

What if going digital was the antidote to avoid the Covid-19 bankruptcies? With one million deaths, thirty-eight million infected, hundreds of millions lost...
11 min read 330

How I Dramatically Increased Body Awareness Using Technology

What is the biggest challenge of yoga practice? Is it developing muscle strength, or flexibility, or the stamina to stay in...
8 min read 276