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How to Build a Twitter Scraping App with Python

A simple Python app that can give you valuable insights into just about any topic you can think of With about 6,000...
3 min read

Replacing Your VC? 5 Principles For Entrepreneurs

At Tau Ventures we advise all entrepreneurs to look upon the diligence process during a fundraising round as a two-way street....
3 min read 249

What Separates A Great Web Developer From Others?

Did you know that in 2019, the average salary of a Web Developer was $73,760 per year? What’s more shocking is...
5 min read 370

Deep Learning amid Increased Physician Administrative Workload

The Epitome of the Trojan Horse to duplicate Physician Clinical Judgment and conquer the Medical Industry The administrative workload is one...
4 min read 164

Could Blue Origin Demolish The SpaceX Monopoly?

Is the war for space dominance about to escalate? It’s been seven years since the first SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifted...
6 min read 347

Eliminate These Application Entry Points To Stop Hackers Cold

Nowadays,  you’re more likely to hear one or two reports about some massive data breaches every other week on the news....
3 min read 220