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What Is With All These Names And Numbers? 5 Major Ways In Which A VC I...

So a VC is investing in you — great news. But then you see a string of names and numbers in...
3 min read 166

Engage Me or Enrage Me: Gamification will run the world

During the last decade we all got Netflix-ed. Now we will get gamified. Don’t think ‘only’ games. Think the gamification of...
10 min read 489

Can we replace fighting with work and reason?

Usually, death hits us at the wrong time. The passing of Justice Ruth B. Ginsburg opened the political arm wrenching in...
3 min read 173

5 Robotic Process Automation Traps to Avoid

Advice on organizational traps by someone who’s been around the RPA block. Having worked in a few sizable companies during their...
6 min read 240
Person holding pen next to laptop

Smart prices pay you the best value

Simple can be too simple: Charge what you are worth and add tax. Sure, but do you know your worth? Freelancers...
4 min read 177

Advisors In Your Startup? 4 Ways To Best Work With Them

Advisors, as the name says, can give advice that becomes the difference between success and failure for an entrepreneur. But beyond...
2 min read 173