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Why Most People Lose Money Day-Trading (And How to Not Be One of Them)

Day-trading is hard, and most people lose money at it. I definitely have. In fact, I once lost more money in...
7 min read
Laptop monitor showing man wearing mask

Workers reach out for the best benefits plan

Much has changed about healthcare over the last few decades. That makes it an even greater challenge to properly educate and...
4 min read 243

DeFi Is Booming, But There Are Caveats To This Killer DApp

Cryptocurrency may have found a killer DApp, in DeFi (Decentralized Finance). It has opened up the cryptocurrency space with a total valuation...
7 min read 784

Data Apocalypse Later

“Experience as a whole is not something that anyone can be spared”. — Hans-Georg Gadamer Data Driven is a Car Crash?...
6 min read 278

5 Great Ways to Invest in September You Need to Know

Five stocks outperforming in 2020 AsTesla and Apple made news last month with their stocks splits driving some stocks higher, the...
3 min read 315

Doing Deals Without Meeting In Person? 5 Guidelines For VCs And Entrep...

Since covid hit the US six months ago VCs and entrepreneurs worldwide have had to adapt to the new reality of...
3 min read 219