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cosmos, universe, exoplanet

Asymptotes everywhere

An asymptote is a straight line that constantly approaches a given curve but does not meet at any infinite distance. In other...
2 min read 408

2022 Medium Articles Analysis Scraped with Python

Scraped and analyzed 6432 articles published by Towards Data Science in 2022. Introduction When I start publishing articles regularly, I always have...
8 min read 520
man holding his phone while leaning on building

Keeping the World in Mind: Branding for Social Impact

As should be obvious by now, people are worried about the state of the world. With the increasing dangers of global...
3 min read 192
How to live off dividends

How much do you need to invest to live off dividends?

This year wasn’t easy for many. I hope you didn’t sell anything and I encourage you again to hold your stocks...
3 min read 549

Power for All: Overcoming Energy Poverty

If you like this content follow me here Energy poverty makes living in poverty worse. In developing countries, access to modern...
4 min read 344

AI’s Big Secret

When artificial intelligence was in its infancy, it was anticipated that someday it would function without human prescription. Several decades later,...
2 min read 359