artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Will AI fall in Love?

Perhaps the most reliable way to understand how we and our mind work is Artificial Intelligence. It allows us to test...
2 min read

Artificial Intelligence Vs Intelligent 5G: Will They Work Together?

We are at the edge of something truly transformational and completely driven by two much-publicized now critical development super examples: artificial...
3 min read 475

Medico-legal Perils of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning

Technology is advancing at an alarming rate, as its footprints can be amenably noticed within the healthcare domain. The overpowering ambivalence...
7 min read
Artificial Intelligence

5 Critical Success Factors for AI Projects

With more users getting on to the internet, there’s a noticeable rise in searches for growth prospects. And one such bubble...
3 min read

AI: Future Health’s Lubricant

Skin cancer and virtual shrinks. Depression and Instagram. Where would we be without AI? Skin cancer is one of the most...
6 min read 553

Watch Out for the 9 Most Popular AI Jobs in 2020

If you are ready to learn, retrain, reskill and upscale then AI is a field with tremendous opportunities for you. However,...
3 min read

Marketers Rush to Rise on the AI Tide

Artificial intelligence is the wave of today and tomorrow, and content marketers are struggling not be left in its wake. Among...
3 min read 266

Superhuman AI Is Not a Myth

Most readers of Data Driven Investor will, I suspect, have heard of Artificial Superintelligence: a future Artificial Intelligence that is (much)...
4 min read
Financial Services

10 Artificial Intelligence Applications Revolutionizing Financial Serv...

Lately, the banking and finance sector has been seeing a revolution in its day-to-day operations. Leading banks such as JPMorgan Chase,...
3 min read

Ronaldo Versus Ai-Robots Or Will Data Brokers Make Them One?

It is safe to say that not in one hundred years will robots outperform future Ronaldos on the football fields. Not...
11 min read 482

Best Resources to Learn Machine Learning and Apply It to Finance: Book...

In today’s technologically advanced world, we’re starting to turn to the machines we create to aid us. The algorithms designed by...
3 min read

Who Am I? AI Can Help You Find the Answer to that Question.

Each person comes with their own human blueprint. Our DNA controls everything about us. It not only defines our physical features...
3 min read 617