

Using AI To Improve Your Business’ Reputation

Your online reputation can make or break your business. To no shock, 94% of consumers scroll through online reviews before making...
44 sec read 298

What do Investors Look For? Advice for Founders

I get asked a lot of questions by company founders. One of the most common: what do investors look for in...
5 min read 838

Startups and Corporations: What can they learn from each other?

Start-ups can be very compelling in their steadfast conviction that the things they do are special. Unfortunately, in most cases, their...
5 min read 217
software tools

Why Using Marketing Software Tools Is Crucial for Success

If you’re an entrepreneur, you know very well that a successful business has a number of different segments. A very important...
4 min read 207
Best Practices

Startups and Independent Board Member – Best Practices

In the past, I have discussed how to run board meetings effectively and how to work best with board observers. Continuing...
2 min read 207
Dynamic pricing

AI and Dynamic Pricing – Secret Weapon of Tech Giants Today

One price for everyone! The invention of price tag took place in the 1870s to maintain the fairness of everybody looking...
3 min read

Are You Ready for the Periodic Inflection Point? Part 2

We discuss about the irreversible factors in global cycles and their drivers. We then discuss the risk aversion cycle and hedging,...
6 min read 209

We Need to Stop Confusing Social Programs with Socialism

The United States has always had a problem with accepting a true capitalistic, market-driven economy. Americans love to sing the praises...
3 min read
business circle

Circles Keep Businesses Well Rounded

Your circle is your anchor in business. In Fionah Samm’s words, networking is everything. “One of my businesses is a result...
2 min read 151

7 Use Cases for Blockchain-based Crowdfunding

Startups from around the world have found crowdfunding to be an extremely viable alternative to traditional venture capital. To date, crowdfunding...
4 min read
Digital Economy

In the Digital Economy You are For Sale

Today, the world’s economies increasingly rely on the production of intangible goods. So, what should businesses do to become more competitive...
3 min read 263

How Moving to Cloud Makes Smarter and More Profitable Businesses in th...

According to the Hosting Tribunal, around 60% of the workloads globally will be directed to Cloud environments for 2019. And that...
2 min read 220