Digital Transformation


Don’t Confuse Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption with Di...

We currently live in the era of digitization, digital transformation, and digital disruption. All of them are three terms which we...
1 min read 848

How Moving to Cloud Makes Smarter and More Profitable Businesses in th...

According to the Hosting Tribunal, around 60% of the workloads globally will be directed to Cloud environments for 2019. And that...
2 min read 220
digital transformation

Digital Singularity: The Digital Transformation Guide for C-level Exec...

If you are a C-level executive, how do you steer your organization through a voyage of digital transformation? If you are...
6 min read 690

Digital Transformation is About Better Decisions

In this fast-paced digital world, connecting with, knowing and understanding your audience is invaluable to business decision making. That’s the message...
2 min read 522

Technological Disruption and the Future of Jobs

As the technological disruption & automation gathers pace with every passing day so does the debate on the issue of jobs...
1 min read 785