

7 Use Cases for Blockchain-based Crowdfunding

Startups from around the world have found crowdfunding to be an extremely viable alternative to traditional venture capital. To date, crowdfunding...
4 min read
crypto market

An Observation on Crypto Cycles: Is there still a Future for the Token...

We review the crypto market over the past 6 months and analyzed the alteration of the market sentiment from optimism to...
4 min read 323

Four Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Trust China’s GDP Data

China’s economic growth in recent decades has been truly spectacular, with an average rate of more than 6.5%, and now it...
5 min read

China Must Economically Surpass America

If our goal is for every person on the planet to live well, we should encourage less developed countries to increase...
2 min read 655

Report From Trump Country: How ‘The News’ Helps Trump in the South

This story is about what I have observed regarding Southern Trump voters. I am a white male that was born and...
9 min read
Basic Income

Are We Ready For a Universal Basic Income?

The idea of a Universal Basic Income is picking up pace all over the world, but are we ready? How would...
2 min read

The 21st Century Jobs are in Logistics, not Steel

President Trump has talked about bringing back steel. A recent tweet asserts, “Our Steel Industry is the talk of the World....
1 min read

France: Debt Woes are Overstated

Synopsis: Debt levels in the public sector have been on an uptrend since the GFC, matching the trend seen in most...
3 min read 275

How Long Can the U.S. Bull Market Last?

The U.S. economy is currently in the tenth year of its expansion and investors and policymakers alike are wondering what will...
3 min read 518

Universal Basic Income

With the threat of automation, a possible recession, and other societal problems, people have been calling for a Universal Basic Income....
58 sec read 181

What Will Go Up In A Down Economy?

What will go up in a down economy? When the budget gets tightened, what items keep their spot on the shopping...
47 sec read 135